To access these reports, navigate to the home page and click on the hamburger icon at the upper left corner, then select Financial Reports from the menu list.
From there, double click on the specific report to open.
After opening a financial report, you can customize it to suit your needs. Click on the Magnifying Glass icon at the upper right corner to access customization options.
You will be taken to the Search Financial Reports page, you have the following options to set your report preference:
Start Date and End Date – To select the time duration of the report that you would like to retrieve, click on the Start Date and End Date fields, then select the desired dates from the calendar respectively. This will set the period for which you want to generate the report. Note that for the Balance Sheet and Bank Balance Report reports, there is no Start Date field, as these reports display the financial status at a particular point in time and do not require a time period to be selected.
Show Detail Accounts toggle – To view the sub-accounts along with their respective amounts in a financial report, you can expand a main account by switching the toggle button to the right.
For instance, below screenshot displays the Profit & Loss report before turning on the toggle button.
And this screenshot demonstrates the same report with the Show Detail Account toggle switched on. As you can see the main account “Expense” is now expanded, and all of its sub-accounts are revealed.
Type – To display the financial reports by different time interval, click on the drop down button at the Type field to choose the time interval that you need. Each time period represents a different way of grouping and organizing your financial data. For instance, if you select Quarterly Comparison for a Profit & Loss ****report, the report will be displayed as a collection of your company’s financial statements issued every three months, provided that there is data available for that time period.
💡 Please note that the Profit & Loss, Trial Balance, and Expenses Reports provide flexibility to display data by WeekDay, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. However, the Balance Sheet and Bank Balance Report offer a different range of options to view data, including the past 3 months, 4 quarters, or 3 years.
Once you have set all your preferences, click on the Magnifying Glass icon again to allow Miragebooks to generate your reports as per your chosen settings.